
This website contains the full report and links to the code of the LAMAS project of Group 03 which consists of Isabelle, Tumi, and Stijn. This front page will function as the introduction section of the report and will contain an explanation of the game 'Town of Salem'.

The description of the game that can be found below will only contain information which is relevant to our project. For a more complete description, check out of the website of the game itself or the wiki which we have consulted many times while working on this project.

Town of Salem - The Game Town of Salem - Wiki


The Story

Town of Salem is an online-multiplayer game where different factions try to be the last one standing. In the game, each player gets assigned a certain role that belongs to either the "Town" faction or the "Mafia" faction. Each role has an ability that can help the players win the game. You win the game if your faction is the last faction to survive. Every player only knows their own role, but the abilities of each role can help with figuring out which players belong to your faction and which don't.

The game takes place in a town, where everyone has their own house. There are 2 phases that repeat until one faction wins. The game starts of with a night. During the night, every player is in their house, but players can use the ability of their role to perform certain actions. For example, visit someone else's house and see who visits them that night. After the night, the day starts and all players gather at the town square. If someone died during the night, their role is revealed and their last will is shown, on which they can put any information they want, and the player is out of the game. The players can then discuss any information they would like. Furthermore, during the day, if the majority agrees, one person can be lynched. If a person is chosen by the majority, they get lynched, their role and last will are shown, and the day ends. If no player gets lynched, the day will end after a set amount of time. Then the night starts and everything repeats until one faction is left and the members of the other faction are dead.

Project Goal

The goal of this project is to model Town of Salem and to observe how often each faction wins when different roles are included and/or a different amount of agents is used. The original game is played with 8-12 agents, there are more than 40 roles, there are hundreds of interactions and mechanics and a large part of the game when being played by humans is deception and lying. Because of this, the game in its original state is very complex. We decided to model an extremely simplified version of the game, with a predetermined set of roles and number of roles. Furthermore, some mechanics regarding the flow of the game are simplified and agents will not lie.

Group 03
Isabelle Tilleman (s3656586), Tumi Moeng (s4813405), Stijn de Vries (s3447146)